
Kingdom Building

We deeply desire to honor Christ, build up His Body,
and encourage His people as ambassadors of His kingdom.

our mission

Biblical Authority

We live and interpret Scripture as accurately and authentically as possible, recognizing God’s Word is the final authority for life and witness.

our mission

Inductive Methodology

Our inductive study approach will emphasize observation of the Biblical material within the context of the whole book in which the Scripture is given.

our strategy

Global Focus

Our goal is to provide the training resources to enable Believers to accomplish the task of acquainting others with the source documents of their faith. We will do this in culturally relevant ways to maximize understanding and application of Biblical material.

our strategy

New Podcast

Join Dr. Meenan and various guests on The Word is Out podcast! The goal of this arm
of the ministry is to make the Bible as accessible and understandable as possible.


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